Monday, May 13, 2013

I'm Back!! I hope LOL

Gosh it's much harder to keep up on your blog than I thought! Its been over a year since my last entry and I'm SO sorry! So many things "got in the way" I found it very hard to have structure to my day & make time to write.

 I now have a job! LOL which gives me structure and time from my day to update you on life in Kuwait! Can you beleive I'm coming up on a year & a 1/2 of living in Kuwait?!?! It's crazy!

SOOO many things have happened and so many new experiances!

I am now working in administartion at a new American School  that will be opening in the Fall 2013.  This was a win win situation for me. It's literally less than a 5 minute drive from my house, the hours are great & I get tons of holidays. Perfect for mommies! I will tell you more about this amazing new school in another entry.

I also now have a Full Time Live-in Nanny that has made my life so much EASIER!!!!
She takes care of Victoria while I'm at work and has the house spotless to boot! She will do a lot of my food prep so I can just come home & put a meal together :) I litrally do zero housework now & devote the rest of my time at home to Victoria. Process of hiring a nanny to come soon!

WHAT ELSE....hmmm...OHH!! I am also expecting my second baby :) Baby Saba #2 due November 5, 2013!! Victoria will have just turned 2 years old so they will be close in age. We've decided to have this baby in Kuwait for many reasons. I'm nervous and excited about giving birth in another country but I am confident it will be a good experiance. INSHALLAH!

Ok more details to come soon!! I will be traveling back to the states in the summer & cannot to wait to see everyone!
